Should you replace Raspberry Pi OS with Debian? This could be the future of Raspberry Pi…

Should you replace Raspberry Pi OS with Debian? This could be the future of Raspberry Pi…

Using a Raspberry Pi shouldn’t be complicated. 📥 Download my free PDF glossary to start the right way: Installing Debian is as simple as downloading the Raspberry Pi image, flashing it to an SD card, booting...
Pi-Hosted: Installing Nextcloud on Raspberry Pi Docker Part 8

Pi-Hosted: Installing Nextcloud on Raspberry Pi Docker Part 8

Installing NextCloud Pi on raspberry pi on our Pi-Hosted Series using Docker / portainer. ○○○ LINKS ○○○ NextCloudPi ○○○ SHOP ○○○ Novaspirit...
Pi Hosted : Raspberry Pi Docker Monitoring Part 7

Pi Hosted : Raspberry Pi Docker Monitoring Part 7

Setting up a Docker Monitoring station using Grafana for the Raspberry Pi, Pi-Hosted Series! Thanks for the view!!! ○○○ LINKS ○○○

Pi-Hosted : Raspberry Pi 4 Server Setup, Docker Install, Portainer Install, Shell In A Box Part 1

Starting a New Series called Pi-Hosted which will be covering steps on how to turn your raspberry pi to a home server, today we will be covering Docker installation, portainer, and shellinabox. thanks for the view! ○○○ LINKS...
SATA support is now built into Raspberry Pi OS!

SATA support is now built into Raspberry Pi OS!

After months of testing various PCI Express SATA cards on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, and contributing a Linux kernel patch to Raspberry Pi OS, now everybody can use SATA with Pi OS out of the box—no kernel compile needed! This makes things great for...