by Jonathan Updated Jan 12, 2022 Published Jan 12, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
16, ai, arducam, autofocus, bullseye, camera, computer, control, csi, embedded, enclosure, focus, guide, high quality, how to, hq, hq camera, image sensor, IMX519, iot, Jeff Geerling, kickstarter, libcamera, machine vision, megapixel, motor, mount, opencv, pi camera, ptz, python, Quality, raspberry pi, raspistill, raspivid, remote, resolution, review, Security, Sensor, sixteen, sony, still, tensorflow, timelapse, tripod, vid, video, vision
ArduCam has a new 16 megapixel Autofocus camera for the Raspberry Pi. Is it worth $25? You bet! But it’s not all roses and butterflies. The software isn’t up to speed yet, and the autofocus might not work quite like you’d expect. The camera was...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 24, 2021 Published Nov 24, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
atx, bc1, build, button, Case, cm4, compute module 4, computer, computing, coral, dual, edge, google, gpu, graphics card, io, iot, itx, Jeff Geerling, m.2, micro atx, mini, mini itx, mini pci, mobo, motherboard, mpcie, network, nvme, PC, pci, pci express, pcie, power, raspberry pi, redundant, SATA, seaberry, server, small, ssd, tiny, tpu, usb, wardriving, wifi, x1, x16
Alftel’s Seaberry has ELEVEN PCI Express slots; and four of them are two-lane. It’s all powered by a Raspberry Pi Compute Module for, but *how*? Mentioned in the video (some links are affiliate links): – Seaberry on Tindie:...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 10, 2021 Published Nov 10, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
battery, boom box, browsing, campaign, computer, cute, cutie, cutiepi, debian, design, desktop, foss, fun, gaming, hacking, handle, hardware, interface, Jeff Geerling, kickstarter, linux, nostalgia, open source, os, oshw, oss, pi, pi os, pie, portable, radio, raspberry pi, remote, retro, RetroPie, rtl-sdr, shell, shipping, Software, stand, success, tablet, Terminal, touch, Touchscreen, ubuntu
The CutiePi is the first Raspberry Pi-based tablet I’ve used that I’d actually consider a ‘tablet’. It’s no iPad, but it is a fun and durable tablet with a little bit of fun in the form of a handle that doubles as a stand. Is it a tablet...
by Jonathan Updated Sep 20, 2023 Published Oct 25, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
2.5 inch, backplane, ceph, cluster, cm4, compute module, computer, crucial, cute, debug, design, dual, enclosure, fio, gpio, HDD, hdmi, Jeff Geerling, k3s, k8s, kickstarter, kubernetes, kubesail, LCD, low profile, managed, microk8s, mini, nas, nextcloud, omv, open media vault, performance, pi 4, pibox, plex, pods, raspberry pi, rpiboot, samsung, SATA, sbc, server, small, ssd, storage, streaming, test, tiny, usb, usbboot
The cubesale pi box mini 2 is an exciting new Raspberry Pi NAS enclosure that allows you to easily create a DIY NAS with up to 16TB of storage. I recently got my hands on a prototype unit loaded with cubesale’s software to take a closer look at the hardware and...
by Jonathan Updated Oct 16, 2021 Published Oct 6, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
45drives, ai gateway, aio, amber, board, box, building, carrier, chip, chipsee, clusberry, cm4, compute module, computer, cutiepi, din, diy, eben upton, edatec, enterprise, ethernet, game gear, home assistant, hue, industrial, internet of things, iot, Jeff Geerling, jr, junior, lincoln binns, mame gear, mincab, modberry, nas, omv, over board, penta, poe, pro, Project, radxa, raspberry pi, register, reterminal, revolutionpi, revpi4, SATA, seeed studios, sega, shortage, stick, storage, storinator, tablet, taco, techbase, tv, uptime lab, zega
From the tiniest carrier board to the best Industrial Pis on the market, the Compute Module 4 is powering a revolution in Raspberry Pi uses! But sometimes it’s hard to get one, and we’ll talk about that too! Watch to the end to see some of the other boards...