by Jonathan Updated Nov 8, 2021 Published Nov 8, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
10, 11, b0, bcm2711, bullseye, buster, c0, cm4, compute module, cpu, debian, debian 10, distribution, distro, faster, free, Jeff Geerling, kernel, linux, model b, new, newer, open source, operating system, os, patch, patches, pi 4, Pi 400, raspberry pi, Raspbian, release, Software, stepping, toy story, upgrade
Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye is here. Hopefully the 64-bit version comes soon. Go download it at Bullseye changelog: Comments/bug report thread:...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 5, 2021 Published Nov 5, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
arm, board, carrier, carrier board, cm4, docker, dual ethernet, dual ethernet raspberry pi, Dual gigabit Ethernet, dual nic, dual nic cm4, firewall, linux, network, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, openwrt, pi 4, raspberry pi, raspberry pi cm4, raspberry pi network, raspberry pi router, router, rpi, seeedstudio, tech, two nic raspberry pi, wireless, wrt
checking out the carrier board for raspberry pi cm4 with dual ethernet for router / firewall preinstalled with openwrt!! thanks for the view! ○○○ LINKS ○○○ seeedstudio ►...
by Jonathan Updated Sep 20, 2023 Published Oct 25, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
2.5 inch, backplane, ceph, cluster, cm4, compute module, computer, crucial, cute, debug, design, dual, enclosure, fio, gpio, HDD, hdmi, Jeff Geerling, k3s, k8s, kickstarter, kubernetes, kubesail, LCD, low profile, managed, microk8s, mini, nas, nextcloud, omv, open media vault, performance, pi 4, pibox, plex, pods, raspberry pi, rpiboot, samsung, SATA, sbc, server, small, ssd, storage, streaming, test, tiny, usb, usbboot
The cubesale pi box mini 2 is an exciting new Raspberry Pi NAS enclosure that allows you to easily create a DIY NAS with up to 16TB of storage. I recently got my hands on a prototype unit loaded with cubesale’s software to take a closer look at the hardware and...
by Jonathan Updated Oct 16, 2021 Published Oct 6, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
45drives, ai gateway, aio, amber, board, box, building, carrier, chip, chipsee, clusberry, cm4, compute module, computer, cutiepi, din, diy, eben upton, edatec, enterprise, ethernet, game gear, home assistant, hue, industrial, internet of things, iot, Jeff Geerling, jr, junior, lincoln binns, mame gear, mincab, modberry, nas, omv, over board, penta, poe, pro, Project, radxa, raspberry pi, register, reterminal, revolutionpi, revpi4, SATA, seeed studios, sega, shortage, stick, storage, storinator, tablet, taco, techbase, tv, uptime lab, zega
From the tiniest carrier board to the best Industrial Pis on the market, the Compute Module 4 is powering a revolution in Raspberry Pi uses! But sometimes it’s hard to get one, and we’ll talk about that too! Watch to the end to see some of the other boards...
by Jonathan Updated Oct 16, 2021 Published Sep 29, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
ai, air blower, arm, artificial intelligence, baseboard, blow, blower, blowing, circuit, cm4, cm4ext nano, compute module, coral, cut, defense, devsummit, dewalt, diy, face, facial, facial recognition, imutils, Jeff Geerling, machine learning, ml, model a, numpy, opencv, pi 4, pi zero, programming, Project, python, pytorch, raspberry pi, red shirt jeff, reterminal, servo, tiny, tpu
#Sponsored #ArmDevSummit #RaspberryPi Register for Arm DevSummit: Red Shirt Jeff cut one of my Raspberry Pi’s in half. It’s time for some AI-powered revenge. My Facial Recognition code:...