It’s official: Raspberry Pi goes 64-bit

It’s official: Raspberry Pi goes 64-bit

Raspberry Pi just announced the 64-bit OS build is officially supported. But why should you run the 64-bit OS instead of the traditional 32-bit OS? Support me on Patreon: Sponsor me on GitHub:
Can the Raspberry Pi beat a real NAS?

Can the Raspberry Pi beat a real NAS?

Some lower end NASes like ASUSTOR’s Drivestor 4 Pro use ARM processors—just like the Raspberry Pi! Can the Pi hold its own against a lower-cost NAS from a major storage vendor? Check out the Drivestor 4 Pro here: And more on...
Why would you build a Raspberry Pi Cluster?

Why would you build a Raspberry Pi Cluster?

Everyone seems to be asking, so I figured I’d answer. I’ll explain what I use my small Pi clusters for, and what some other people use them for. But also, why cluster in the first place? Can’t you just buy an EPYC 64-core CPU and an RTX 3080 and have...

YouTube playback, 64bit Or 32bit OS? Raspberry Pi 4.

YouTube playback, 64bit Or 32bit OS? Raspberry Pi 4. Surprisingly good YouTube performance from Ubuntu 21.10 Impish Indri Overclocked to 2147. Raspberry Pi OS 32bit default settings clean install didn’t achieve decent 1080 playback even with Chrome user agent...
SATA support is now built into Raspberry Pi OS!

SATA support is now built into Raspberry Pi OS!

After months of testing various PCI Express SATA cards on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, and contributing a Linux kernel patch to Raspberry Pi OS, now everybody can use SATA with Pi OS out of the box—no kernel compile needed! This makes things great for...