by Jonathan Updated Nov 15, 2024 Published Nov 15, 2024 Raspberry Pi News
4k, amd, amdgpu, apple, arm, arm64, battlestation, blender, box64, box86, card, collaborate, compatibility, coreforge, deck, Demo, dock, doom, driver, egpu, eternal, external, gaming, github, gpu, graphics, homelab, Jeff Geerling, linux, llm, m1, m2, m3, m4, mangohud, martinx72, obs, oculink, ollama, open, overkill, performance, pi, plex, programming, proton, qualcomm, radeon, raspberry, ray, rtx, server, snapdragon, source, speed, steam, tracing, transcoding, Ultra, valve, windows
Go to for 4 extra months of Surfshark at an unbeatable price! The Pi 5 can now game at 4K Ultra, with Ray Tracing: ON. Check out my blog post for the complete guide to setting up your own AMD 7000-series graphics card on a Pi:...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 30, 2022 Published Nov 23, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
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The collab nobody knew we needed. I took my 6-node Raspberry Pi cluster to @ServeTheHome and faced it off against a 128-core monster ARM server. Huge thanks to Micro Center for making this possible! Shop Micro Center’s Top Deals: Check...
by Jonathan Updated Sep 23, 2022 Published Sep 23, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
1u, assembly, basement, cd, ci, cluster, computers, continuous integration, cooling, cosplaying, display, github, grafana, guide, home, homelab, install, internet, Jeff Geerling, kubernetes, LCD, linus tech tips, ltt, Monitor, myelectronics, network, networking, open source, pi-hole, pihole, pivpn, prometheus, rack, rackmount, raspberry pi, sbc, screwdriver, server, servers, solution, sysadmin, Uctronics, upgrade
It’s time to upgrade to my rackmount Pi cluster! You can buy the UCTRONICS Pi Rack Pro on Amazon: Other products mentioned in the video: – MyElectronics Pi Rack Mount:...
by Jonathan Updated Aug 23, 2022 Published Aug 23, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
anydesk, ariang, Container, dashy, desk, desktop, docker, flame, guacamole, homelab, metube, nas, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, pi, pi-hosted, pi-hosted rust desk, pi4, portainer, raspberry, raspberry pi, relay, relay server, remote, remote desktop, rpi4, rust, rust desk, samba, self-hosted, server, socks5, tautulli, teamviewer, tech
It’s a great time to start taking a look at how much resources we need to run 25+ containers the raspberry pi 4! ○○○ LINKS ○○○ Show and tell!! i got 20 containers and counting on my Raspberry Pi!!! #homelab #pihosted...
by Jonathan Updated Jul 14, 2022 Published Jul 13, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
aes67, ahmad, atomic, bcm54210pe, broadcast, byagowi, card, clock, cm4, compute module, coordinated, date, ethernet, global, gps, grandmaster, ieee1588-2008, interview, Jeff Geerling, johnsen, kernel, lasse, lattice, linux, master, meinberg, meta, network, nic, nist, ntp, optical, oscilloscope, patch, physics, positioning, pps, precision, protocol, ptp, ptpv2, quantum, radio, raspberry pi, rubidium, satellite, server, standard, sync, synchronization, system, time, tweezer, universal, utc, wwv, wwvb
What is a second? And what does that have to do with the Raspberry Pi CM4 and IEEE1588-2008? And why should you care? Support me on Patreon: Sponsor me on GitHub: Merch:...