by Jonathan Updated Sep 28, 2023 Published Sep 28, 2023 Raspberry Pi News
2.0, 3.0, 5b, bcm2711, benchmark, Bluetooth, board, broadcom, chip, comparison, computer, csi, debian, dsi, ethernet, gpu, hack, hacker, hdmi, Jeff Geerling, linux, make, maker, memory, model b, networking, open source, opi, Orange Pi, pci, pci express, pcie, performance, pi, pi 4, pi 5, radxa, ram, raspberry, raspian, refresh, rk3588, rock 5, rockchip, rp1, rpi, sbc, silicon, single, test, uart, update, usb, videocore, vii, vpu, vulcan, wifi
Surprise! Raspberry Pi 5 is coming in 2023. This video highlights everything new in Pi 5. Find out more about Raspberry Pi 5: Some of the videos I referenced in this video: – How Raspberry Pis are Made...
by Jonathan Updated Sep 28, 2023 Published Sep 28, 2023 Raspberry Pi News
4k, ai, bcm2712, benchmark, camera, chip, comparison, computer, computers, device, dialog, electronics, faster, fpc, gaming, gpu, hat, hdmi, ic, Jeff Geerling, linux, maker, microsd, ml, open source, orange, pcie, performance, pi 4, pi 5, pmic, pocket, power, psu, radxa, raspberry pi, retro, review, rock, rp1, sbc, silicon, speed, test, tiny, wifi
The Raspberry Pi 5 is more than twice as fast as the Pi 4 at… everything! Check it out in this quick overview. Check out the Pi 5: Support me on Patreon: Sponsor me on...
by Jonathan Updated Jun 9, 2023 Published Jun 9, 2023 Raspberry Pi News
abb, additive, assembly, automated, automation, bed of nails, boards, british, computers, efficiency, electronics, factory, glue, hand, hmi, Jeff Geerling, jig, line, linux, machine, manual, manufacturing, monitoring, open source, packaging, paste, pcb, pencoed, pick and place, plant, process, qa, raspberry pi, reel, Robots, sbc, smc, smd, solder, sony, speed, squeegee, takt, tape, testing, timing, tooling, tour, uk, united kingdom, wales, worker, workers
The Sony Technology Centre in the UK has produced nearly 50 million Raspberry Pis. Here’s a quick tour of the Pi 4 production line. Watch a longer video with all the details here: Support me on Patreon:...
by Jonathan Updated May 25, 2023 Published May 25, 2023 Raspberry Pi News
767, accessories, airplane, babbage bear, boeing, british, buy, cambridge, computer, computing, Demo, education, elizabeth line, engineering, enviro, factory, farringdon, geerling, gift, grand arcade, hotel, how to, jeff, Jeff Geerling, joe, kits, learning, linux, maker, mall, maplin, micro center, parts, pico, radio shack, raspberry pi, retail, sbc, shop, shopping, shortage, sony, store, storefront, teddy bear, train, travel, travelog, uk, underground, united kingdom, veroboard, vlog, wales
I wanted to see this mythical place where Raspberry Pis are actually in stock! And if you look _very_ closely, you’ll see they even had one Compute Module 4 in stock at the end of the day lol. Thank you SO much to everyone who supports this channel: the viewers,...
by Jonathan Updated Sep 28, 2023 Published Apr 13, 2023 Raspberry Pi News
1200w, 3d printed, 4080 ti, 4090, 7450, 750 ti, a2000, amd, arm, asrock, build, cm4, compile, compute module, design, driver, enclosure, ffmpeg, funny, gpu, graphics, hd, hdmi, huge, Jeff Geerling, jellyfin, jlcpcb, joke, kernel, linux, m2_vga, maker, model b, multi-monitor, nvidia, open source, oversized, PC, pcb, pci express, pcie, pi 4, plug in, power, processor, professional, psu, rack, radeon, raspberry pi, recompile, rtx 4090, rtx 8000, rx 6700 xt, sbc, sff, slot, small, thermaltake, tiny, transcoding, vga
Exploring the possibilities in tech sometimes leads us to unforeseen innovations and seemingly pointless but fascinating adventures. This journey is one of perseverance, resilience, and the relentless pursuit to mount a graphics card to a Raspberry Pi. The Obscenely...