by Jonathan Updated Jun 8, 2022 Published Jun 8, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
4k, airport, board, business, cm4, color, commercial, compute module, computer, control, display, gaming, halo, hd, hdr, industrial, infinite, Jeff Geerling, kodi, libreelec, mall, mediaplayer, modular, module, Monitor, nec, oled, os, PC, pi, raspberry pi, rate, refresh, remote, response, RetroPie, review, saturation, sdm, sharp, shopping, signage, signboard, signwall, smart display module, solution, stand, status, television, test, time, tv, uhd, wall
This thing isn’t a TV; it’s a display! It costs more than a smart TV, but it also doesn’t spy on you, so that’s nice. Thanks to Sharp NEC Display Solutions of America for sending the display, speakers, stand, and Compute Module kit used in this...
by Jonathan Updated Feb 23, 2022 Published Feb 23, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
120hz, 144hz, 1999, amd, apu, asus, axzez, bcm2711, bitwit, build, Case, cm4, compute module, corsair, cpu, custom, drivers, fans, g241, game, gamers, gaming, gpu, gt501, hard drive, HDD, id software, install, interceptor, ip camera, jayztwocents, Jeff Geerling, lan, led, linus, linux, ltt, micro center, mod mat, Monitor, msi, network, nexus, nvr, open source, overclock, party, PC, performance, pi os, power supply, quake, quake iii arena, raspberry pi, rate, recorder, refresh, rgb, sbc, ssd, storage, tech, tips, tuf, ventilation, video, windows, xrandr
#Sponsored New Customer Exclusive – Get a Free 128gb Flash drive and 128gb MicroSD Card at Micro Center: Check out Micro Center: Browse Micro Center’s Amazon store filament:...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 24, 2021 Published Nov 24, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
atx, bc1, build, button, Case, cm4, compute module 4, computer, computing, coral, dual, edge, google, gpu, graphics card, io, iot, itx, Jeff Geerling, m.2, micro atx, mini, mini itx, mini pci, mobo, motherboard, mpcie, network, nvme, PC, pci, pci express, pcie, power, raspberry pi, redundant, SATA, seaberry, server, small, ssd, tiny, tpu, usb, wardriving, wifi, x1, x16
Alftel’s Seaberry has ELEVEN PCI Express slots; and four of them are two-lane. It’s all powered by a Raspberry Pi Compute Module for, but *how*? Mentioned in the video (some links are affiliate links): – Seaberry on Tindie:...
by Jonathan Updated Sep 12, 2021 Published Sep 12, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
adapter, ai, amd, amdgpu, assembly, Bitcoin, build, card, cm4, compile, compute, compute module, compute module 4, cooling, cross compile, crypto, cuda, currency, database, drivers, enclosure, ethereum, gaming, gpu, graphics, how to, insane, Jeff Geerling, kernel, linux, live, machine learning, mining, ml, nvidia, open source, PC, pci, pci express, pcie, performance, power, proxmox, radeon, raspberry pi, recompile, riser, rx 6700 xt, sshfs, tutorial, vm, x1, x16
It’s not clickbait if it’s the truth. I bought an AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT. I plugged it into a Raspberry Pi. This is what happened. I would give you a link to where you can buy one, but… you basically can’t. I’m thanking my lucky stars I...
by Jonathan Updated May 6, 2021 Published May 6, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
3d print, arduino, boards, build, built, buy, campaign, Case, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, create, crowd supply, custom, dupont, enclosure, hard drives, hardware, io board, itx, Jeff Geerling, kicad, kickstarter, make, maker, mebs_t, mini itx, model, motherboard, nas, network attached storage, PC, pci, pci express, pcie, pi os, piunora, projects, r3, raspberry pi, raspberrypi, seaberry, uno, wd red, x1, x16
There are new boards in town. The Compute Module 4 ecosystem is expanding at a rapid pace, and I don’t even have time to cover all the new projects I’ve found! The three I cover in this video include: – CM4 NAS by mebs_t:...