by Jonathan Updated Nov 24, 2021 Published Nov 24, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
atx, bc1, build, button, Case, cm4, compute module 4, computer, computing, coral, dual, edge, google, gpu, graphics card, io, iot, itx, Jeff Geerling, m.2, micro atx, mini, mini itx, mini pci, mobo, motherboard, mpcie, network, nvme, PC, pci, pci express, pcie, power, raspberry pi, redundant, SATA, seaberry, server, small, ssd, tiny, tpu, usb, wardriving, wifi, x1, x16
Alftel’s Seaberry has ELEVEN PCI Express slots; and four of them are two-lane. It’s all powered by a Raspberry Pi Compute Module for, but *how*? Mentioned in the video (some links are affiliate links): – Seaberry on Tindie:...
by Jonathan Updated Sep 20, 2023 Published Oct 25, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
2.5 inch, backplane, ceph, cluster, cm4, compute module, computer, crucial, cute, debug, design, dual, enclosure, fio, gpio, HDD, hdmi, Jeff Geerling, k3s, k8s, kickstarter, kubernetes, kubesail, LCD, low profile, managed, microk8s, mini, nas, nextcloud, omv, open media vault, performance, pi 4, pibox, plex, pods, raspberry pi, rpiboot, samsung, SATA, sbc, server, small, ssd, storage, streaming, test, tiny, usb, usbboot
The cubesale pi box mini 2 is an exciting new Raspberry Pi NAS enclosure that allows you to easily create a DIY NAS with up to 16TB of storage. I recently got my hands on a prototype unit loaded with cubesale’s software to take a closer look at the hardware and...
by Jonathan Updated Jan 30, 2021 Published Jan 30, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
alternative, board, carrier, cluster, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, computer, daughtercard, ethernet, Jeff Geerling, mini, overview, pi 4, pitray, pitray mini, poe, power over ethernet, raspberry pi, review, sbc, sourcekit, tray, usb 3.0, vl805, waveshare
As the new year gets fully underway, commercially-available boards for the Compute Module 4 are finally becoming available! In this video, I talk about two boards I recently received in the mail, the Waveshare Compute Module 4 PoE board, and the Sourcekit PiTray mini....
by Jonathan Updated Dec 11, 2020 Published Dec 11, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
availability, blade, build, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, github, gumstix, io board, Jeff Geerling, license, m.2, maker, mini, mini pcie, nas, nvme, official, open source, open source hardware, oshw, pci express, pcie, pikeeb, pitray, piunora, raspberry pi, server, shipping, stereopi, turing pi, uptime lab, v2
I’ve been following these projects for a few weeks, and I wanted to share them with you. I know it’s still hard to get your hands on the official Compute Module IO Board, but maybe you won’t have to, if you’re able to get your hands on one of...