by Jonathan Updated Aug 23, 2022 Published Aug 23, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
anydesk, ariang, Container, dashy, desk, desktop, docker, flame, guacamole, homelab, metube, nas, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, pi, pi-hosted, pi-hosted rust desk, pi4, portainer, raspberry, raspberry pi, relay, relay server, remote, remote desktop, rpi4, rust, rust desk, samba, self-hosted, server, socks5, tautulli, teamviewer, tech
It’s a great time to start taking a look at how much resources we need to run 25+ containers the raspberry pi 4! ○○○ LINKS ○○○ Show and tell!! i got 20 containers and counting on my Raspberry Pi!!! #homelab #pihosted...
by Jonathan Updated Feb 28, 2022 Published Feb 28, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
4g, 5g, a+, access, ad blocking, ads, android, arducam, b+, camera, Chromecast, cluster, cm4, compute module, devops, dns, emulation, free, home assistant, homelab, host, hotspot, hq, hub, Jeff Geerling, k3s, kodi, kubernetes, local, lte, model b, nas, nextcloud, nfs, omv, open media vault, open source, openhab, openvpn, os, osmc, pi 4, Pi 400, pi-hole, picosystem, pimoroni, pivpn, privacy, private, raspberry pi, remote, retroflag, RetroPie, samba, self-hosted, server, showmewebcam, smb, station, top500, v2, vpn, webcam, wireguard, wireless, zero w
Raspberry Pi turns 10! To celebrate, here’s the list of my ten favorite Raspberry Pi projects through the years. Support me on Patreon: Sponsor me on GitHub: Merch:...
by Jonathan Updated Mar 12, 2022 Published Feb 9, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
2u, 4g, access, ansible, anywhere, backup, barn, battery, Case, ccna, cg-nat, cluster, cold, configuration, cows, cradlepoint, debian, drupal, ecoflow, enclosure, farm, generator, grid, homelab, hosted, hosting, internet, ip address, Jeff Geerling, k3s, kubernetes, linux, lte, mariadb, moo, network address translation, networking, nginx, nodes, off grid, openwrt, playbook, portable, power, raspberry pi, reverse proxy, road, router, routing, rural, satellite, self-healing, self-hosted, server, skb, Solar, ssh, starlink, tunnel, web, website, windy
#Sponsored Thanks to EcoFlow for their support! Check out their portable battery generators: Hosting my website on a cluster of Raspberry Pis completely disconnected from the power grid and wired Internet turned out...
by Jonathan Updated Jan 5, 2022 Published Jan 5, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
2u, assembly, atx, board, build, button, Case, cluster, cm, cm4, compact, compute module, edge, enclosure, fan, flex atx, front panel, guide, homelab, hosting, io shield, iot, Jeff Geerling, k0s, k3s, k8s, kubernetes, mainboard, mini itx, motherboard, mount, myelectronics, netherlands, network, noctua, pci, pci express, pcie, pi 4, power, psu, rack, rackmount, raid, rancher, raspberry pi, rpi, SATA, self-hosted, server, setup, thingiverse, tp2, turing pi, turing pi 2, tutorial, usb, usb 3.0
Let’s rack up the Turing Pi 2 4-node Raspberry Pi cluster! Thanks to for the beautiful 2U mini ITX case. Used in this video (some links are affiliate links): – Turing Pi 2: – IO Shield design on Thingiverse:...
by Jonathan Updated Dec 22, 2021 Published Dec 22, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
2.5 gigabit, 2.5G, adm, arm, arm64, AS3304T, asustor, attached, bcache, bcm2711, benchmark, benchmarking, board, broadcom, busybox, cm4, compute module, driver, drives, ethernet, hard drive, homelab, iperf3, Jeff Geerling, kernel, linux, nas, network, nfs, nvme, omv, open media vault, performance, pi 4, plex, radxa, raid, raspberry pi, realtek, recompile, review, rtd1296, rtl8125, samba, server, slow, smb, speed, ssd, storage, taco, tested, tutorial
Some lower end NASes like ASUSTOR’s Drivestor 4 Pro use ARM processors—just like the Raspberry Pi! Can the Pi hold its own against a lower-cost NAS from a major storage vendor? Check out the Drivestor 4 Pro here: And more on...