by Jonathan Updated Nov 15, 2021 Published Nov 15, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
128x64, Computer Stats, debian, I2C, I2C Communication, Michael Klements, oled, oled display, OLED Stats, OS Bullseye, Performance Stats, raspberry pi, raspberry pi os bullseye, stats display
Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye has recently been released and as a result, my previous tutorial on setting up an OLED stats display for your Raspberry Pi no longer works. So I’ve revised the tutorial to get the libraries installed and the script running on the latest...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 12, 2021 Published Nov 12, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
10, 11, b0, bcm2711, bullseye, bullseye debian, buster, c0, cm4, compute module, cpu, debian, debian 10, distribution, distro, eta prime, etaprime, faster, free, kernel, linux, model b, new, newer, open source, operating system, os, patch, patches, pi 4, Pi 400, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi 400, raspberry pi os, Raspbian, release, Software, stepping, upgrade
Raspberry Pi OS has been updated to Debian Bullseye and its added a ton of new stuff like Hardware-accelerated YouTube video playback using Chromium, A New Window manager known as Mutter and a free 300Mhz CPU overclock! Learn More about Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye here:...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 12, 2021 Published Nov 12, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
1.8ghz, 300 mhz, bullseye, c0, debian, debian bullseye, faster cpu, gtk3, latest os, linux, mutter, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, pi, raspberry, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi debian, raspberry pi os, raspberry pi os bullseye, review, rpi, rpi os, tech
checking out the new raspberry pi os debian bullseye release which also increased the raspberry pi default top speed to 1.8ghz!! thanks for the view! ○○○ LINKS ○○○ Rpi 4 Bullseye ►...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 10, 2021 Published Nov 10, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
battery, boom box, browsing, campaign, computer, cute, cutie, cutiepi, debian, design, desktop, foss, fun, gaming, hacking, handle, hardware, interface, Jeff Geerling, kickstarter, linux, nostalgia, open source, os, oshw, oss, pi, pi os, pie, portable, radio, raspberry pi, remote, retro, RetroPie, rtl-sdr, shell, shipping, Software, stand, success, tablet, Terminal, touch, Touchscreen, ubuntu
The CutiePi is the first Raspberry Pi-based tablet I’ve used that I’d actually consider a ‘tablet’. It’s no iPad, but it is a fun and durable tablet with a little bit of fun in the form of a handle that doubles as a stand. Is it a tablet...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 8, 2021 Published Nov 8, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
10, 11, b0, bcm2711, bullseye, buster, c0, cm4, compute module, cpu, debian, debian 10, distribution, distro, faster, free, Jeff Geerling, kernel, linux, model b, new, newer, open source, operating system, os, patch, patches, pi 4, Pi 400, raspberry pi, Raspbian, release, Software, stepping, toy story, upgrade
Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye is here. Hopefully the 64-bit version comes soon. Go download it at Bullseye changelog: Comments/bug report thread:...