by Jonathan Updated Mar 17, 2021 Published Mar 17, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
ASMR, audio, auditory, blinking, boot, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, computer, computers, data center, dc, enterprise, fan, fans, hard drive, hba, HDD, hear, Jeff Geerling, led, ops, plug, plug in, power, raspberry pi, read, response, sas, SATA, sensory, sound, spin up, spinup, ssd, startup, sysadmin, turn on, unplug, Write
16 hard drives and SSDs. It’s time for a new RAID array! Support me on Patreon: Sponsor me on GitHub: #ASMR #RAID #RaspberryPi...
by Jonathan Updated Mar 16, 2021 Published Mar 16, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
computer, disney + raspberry pi, diy, eta prime, etaprime, hbo max raspberry pi, hbo max raspberry pi 4, how to, hulu raspberry pi, hulu raspberry pi 4, linux, mini pc, netflix raspberry pi, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi 400, raspberry pi projects, sbc, tech
We finally have official WideVine support in the Raspberry pi OS on the Raspberry Pi! Also works for the Pi 400. In this video I show you how to to get this installed and working some you can stream your favorite shows and movies on the Raspberry pi 4 using your...
by Jonathan Updated Mar 12, 2021 Published Mar 12, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
12v, 2230, 2242, 3d printing, 4g, 5g, board, carrier, Case, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, computer, control, electronics, enclosure, industrial, industry, Jeff Geerling, lte, m.2, m2, mobile, modem, module, monitoring, ngff, nvme, oratek, pcb, pci express, pcie, performance, pi, poe, raspberry pi, remote, review, SATA, sbc, sim, ssd, swiss, switzerland, tofu, usim
The TOFU by Oratek is the first board I’ve had in hand that has a built-in M.2 slot so I can finally use a native NVMe SSD directly on the Pi, something I’ve been hoping to do for years! But it has a few other tricks up its sleeve. Oratek is a Swiss...
by Jonathan Updated Feb 14, 2021 Published Feb 14, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
2.0Ghz, benchmark, cluster, cluster computing, computer, CPU Burn, Heat Test, IR Camera, Michael Klements, pi, pi 4, pi cluster, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, ssh, test, Thermal Camera, Thermal Imaging, Thermal Imaging Camera, Thermal Test, Water, Water Cooled, Water Cooling
In this video I’ll be doing a thermal test on my water cooled Raspberry Pi cluster to see if the water cooling system is effective and to see if there is any significant temperature difference between the first and last nodes, since they’re all connected...
by Jonathan Updated Jan 30, 2021 Published Jan 30, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
alternative, board, carrier, cluster, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, computer, daughtercard, ethernet, Jeff Geerling, mini, overview, pi 4, pitray, pitray mini, poe, power over ethernet, raspberry pi, review, sbc, sourcekit, tray, usb 3.0, vl805, waveshare
As the new year gets fully underway, commercially-available boards for the Compute Module 4 are finally becoming available! In this video, I talk about two boards I recently received in the mail, the Waveshare Compute Module 4 PoE board, and the Sourcekit PiTray mini....