WAY faster than a Raspberry Pi—but is it enough?

WAY faster than a Raspberry Pi—but is it enough?

The Rock 5 model B is certainly a beast, as far as ARM SBCs go. Mentioned in this video (some links are affiliate links): – Rock 5 model B: https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock5/5b – Orange Pi 5: https://amzn.to/3kZAv5f – ExplainingComputers’ review of...
The Raspberry Pi that came back from the dead (CM4S)

The Raspberry Pi that came back from the dead (CM4S)

Thanks to Revolution Pi for sending this RevPi Connect S along with the Compute Module 4S. Go check out their industrial computing products: https://revolutionpi.com Also mentioned in this video: – Why are Industrial Pis so expensive?...
Raspberry Pi demolished by monster 128-core ARM CPU!

Raspberry Pi demolished by monster 128-core ARM CPU!

The collab nobody knew we needed. I took my 6-node Raspberry Pi cluster to @ServeTheHome and faced it off against a 128-core monster ARM server. Huge thanks to Micro Center for making this possible! Shop Micro Center’s Top Deals: https://micro.center/1yz Check...
Can the Raspberry Pi beat a real NAS?

Can the Raspberry Pi beat a real NAS?

Some lower end NASes like ASUSTOR’s Drivestor 4 Pro use ARM processors—just like the Raspberry Pi! Can the Pi hold its own against a lower-cost NAS from a major storage vendor? Check out the Drivestor 4 Pro here: https://amzn.to/3pifC4J And more on...
$5,000 Raspberry Pi server

$5,000 Raspberry Pi server

Check out this video’s sponsor, Lambda: https://lambdalabs.com Radxa’s Taco, along with a boatload of SSDs, is the new gold standard Raspberry Pi-based NAS. But my 48TB SSD NAS build is probably a dumb idea. Why? Well, watch the video and find out!...