by Jonathan Updated Dec 22, 2021 Published Dec 22, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
2.5 gigabit, 2.5G, adm, arm, arm64, AS3304T, asustor, attached, bcache, bcm2711, benchmark, benchmarking, board, broadcom, busybox, cm4, compute module, driver, drives, ethernet, hard drive, homelab, iperf3, Jeff Geerling, kernel, linux, nas, network, nfs, nvme, omv, open media vault, performance, pi 4, plex, radxa, raid, raspberry pi, realtek, recompile, review, rtd1296, rtl8125, samba, server, slow, smb, speed, ssd, storage, taco, tested, tutorial
Some lower end NASes like ASUSTOR’s Drivestor 4 Pro use ARM processors—just like the Raspberry Pi! Can the Pi hold its own against a lower-cost NAS from a major storage vendor? Check out the Drivestor 4 Pro here: And more on...
by Jonathan Updated Oct 16, 2021 Published Oct 15, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
app template, app templates, arm, arm64, armhf, debian, docker, docker homer, home lab, home server, homelab, Homer, homer dashboard, linux, linux server, next cloud, nextcloud, nextcloudpi, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, ownyourbits, pi-hosted, portainer, portainer app template, portainer arm,, raspberry pi, Raspberry Pi 4 Server Setup, raspberry pi home server, raspberry pi nextcloud, raspberry pi os, self-hosted, server, shellinabox, tech, ubuntu
Installing NextCloud Pi on raspberry pi on our Pi-Hosted Series using Docker / portainer. ○○○ LINKS ○○○ NextCloudPi ○○○ SHOP ○○○ Novaspirit...
by Jonathan Updated Oct 16, 2021 Published Oct 12, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
app template, app templates, arm, arm64, armhf, debian, docker, docker homer, Docker Monitor, grafana, home lab, home server, homelab, Homer, homer dashboard, linux, linux server, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, pi-hosted, portainer, portainer app template, portainer arm,, prometheus, raspberry pi, Raspberry Pi 4 Server Setup, Raspberry Pi Docker Monitoring, raspberry pi home server, raspberry pi os, self-hosted, server, shellinabox, tech, ubuntu
Setting up a Docker Monitoring station using Grafana for the Raspberry Pi, Pi-Hosted Series! Thanks for the view!!! ○○○ LINKS ○○○
by Jonathan Updated Aug 4, 2021 Published Aug 4, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
1u, 3d print, 64 bit, amazon, arm, arm64, aws, blade, build, cluster, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, computer, custom, design, enclosure, enterprise, farm, internet of things, iot, Jeff Geerling, k3s, k8s, kubernetes, make, maker, noctua, nvme, os, oss, poe, pro, rack, rack mount, rackspace, raspberry pi, render, sbc, server, silvertel, slot, solder, ssd, tpm, tpm 2.0, uplab, uptime lab, windows 11, zymkey 4i
Uptime.Lab’s 1U Blade is a rack-mountable Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4-based server. Capable of cramming 64 ARM CPU cores in 1U of rack space, this blade could make a powerful Pi cluster. And built-in features like PoE+ support, an M.2 slot for NVMe SSDs, and a...
by Jonathan Updated May 13, 2021 Published May 13, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
1080, 16x, adapter, arm, arm64, bar space, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, driver, gpu, graphics, graphics card, gtx, headers, install, io board, Jeff Geerling, kernel, linux, memory, msi, nouveau, nvidia, pci, pci express, pcie, pi os, plug, power, processor, psu, raspberry pi, raspberrypi, Raspbian, recompile, support
A friend sent me his MSI Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080. I’m going to plug it into my Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 and see what happens. I’ll also probably recompile the Linux kernel, live! Besides this video, you can check out my progress on...