Thermal Testing My Water Cooled Raspberry Pi Cluster – Does Loop Order Matter?

Thermal Testing My Water Cooled Raspberry Pi Cluster – Does Loop Order Matter?

In this video I’ll be doing a thermal test on my water cooled Raspberry Pi cluster to see if the water cooling system is effective and to see if there is any significant temperature difference between the first and last nodes, since they’re all connected...
I lied… WiFi 6 on the Raspberry Pi is NOT faster than Ethernet

I lied… WiFi 6 on the Raspberry Pi is NOT faster than Ethernet

As it turns out, my benchmarking process was flawed, and I had to learn a bit about the Linux networking stack to figure out why! Special thanks to commenter marvell marvell for pointing out the obvious, and to Javier Choclin for suggesting I try out the MZHOU...
The Compute Module 4 Is an Emulation Beast! Raspberry Pi CM4 Review

The Compute Module 4 Is an Emulation Beast! Raspberry Pi CM4 Review

In this video, we take look at the all-new Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4ANd the CM4 io Board! This is going to be a game-changer when it comes to Raspberry Pi 4 Powered Handheld and portable computers and in this video, we test out RetroPie and see how the new CM4...
Comparing Cooling Solutions On A Raspberry Pi 4 – Is Water Cooling Worth It?

Comparing Cooling Solutions On A Raspberry Pi 4 – Is Water Cooling Worth It?

Last week, I put together a water-cooled Raspberry Pi 4 and overclocked it to 2.0Ghz. It worked really well, but the system is really big and quite expensive. So, I wanted to compare it to a couple of other Raspberry Pi cooling solutions to see which is the most...
5 Gbps Ethernet on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4?!

5 Gbps Ethernet on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4?!

tl;dw – I can get five 1 Gbps network interfaces using an Intel I340-T4 PCIe NIC, but I can only get a maximum of 3.06 Gbps throughput using all five interfaces at the same time. You could use this setup to build a custom router or switch using OpenWRT or...