Raspberry Pi PCIe Shenanigans: Using Pi 5 in all the wrong ways!

Raspberry Pi PCIe Shenanigans: Using Pi 5 in all the wrong ways!

What happens when you plug a GPU into a Pi 5? How about WiFi 7? And three Xeon CPUs… wait, what?! Please consider donating to the UOAA to support other people with ostomies, like I have! You can use the form on YouTube next to this video, or donate online:...
Upgrade Your Raspberry Pi 5 With These Must-Try Hats

Upgrade Your Raspberry Pi 5 With These Must-Try Hats

Are you looking to add functionality to your Raspberry Pi 5 with a hat? In this video, I tried 3 new hats on the market to help you decide which one is the best fit for your project. These include a low profile NVMe hat, a Power over Ethernet or PoE hat which also...