by Jonathan Updated May 6, 2021 Published May 6, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
3d print, arduino, boards, build, built, buy, campaign, Case, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, create, crowd supply, custom, dupont, enclosure, hard drives, hardware, io board, itx, Jeff Geerling, kicad, kickstarter, make, maker, mebs_t, mini itx, model, motherboard, nas, network attached storage, PC, pci, pci express, pcie, pi os, piunora, projects, r3, raspberry pi, raspberrypi, seaberry, uno, wd red, x1, x16
There are new boards in town. The Compute Module 4 ecosystem is expanding at a rapid pace, and I don’t even have time to cover all the new projects I’ve found! The three I cover in this video include: – CM4 NAS by mebs_t:...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 3, 2020 Published Oct 20, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
2020, 2020 projects, best raspberry pi projects, desk pi pro, deskpi pro case, esxi on raspberry pi 4, nas, nextcloud, novaspirit, omv media server, projects, quad sata nas, raspberry pi, raspberry pi nas, raspberry pi projects, rpi, tech, top 5 raspberry pi projects, ubuntu, usb over network, virtual here
This is my list of Top 5 Raspberry pi projects I did for 2020! hope you enjoy and thanks for the view! ○○○ LINKS ○○○ Raspberry pi 4 azm ► DeskPi Pro ► Esxi On Raspberry...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 12, 2020 Published Aug 9, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
aio kits, all-in-one, best raspberry pi kits, crowpi, crowpi 2, crowpi 2 laptop, kits, Laptop, Monitor, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, pi4, projects, raspberry pi, raspberry pi kits, raspberry pi laptop, raspberry pi projects, raspberry pi with display, rpi4, sensors, stem project for kids, stem projects, tech
Checking out the Crow Pi 2 all in one raspberry pi kit equipped with raspberry pi 4 and 22 modules along with 90+ projects to learn from. thanks for the view! ○○○ LINKS ○○○ Crow Pi 2 KickStarter ►...