by Jonathan Updated Jul 1, 2021 Published Jul 1, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
3d printed, 40-pin, analog, bell, breadboard, build, call bell, Case, check, circuit, clarence, clarence 2.0, covenant network, create, device, digital, ding, donation, electric, electronics, email, gpio, guide, header, how to, internet of dings, internet of things, iod, iot, Jeff Geerling, joint, make, maker, non-profit, notification, openscad, pi zero, pi zero w, Project, protoboard, prototype, python, radio, raspberry pi, ring, solder, solenoid, Terminal
A.K.A The King of Ding. Here’s how I made “Clarence 2.0”, the internet-connected call bell. Clarence lives at a local non-profit radio station, and every time a donation is given online, the bell dings! How does it do that? Well, watch the video and...
by Jonathan Updated Jan 27, 2021 Published Jan 27, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
assemble, assembly, bramble, build, cluster, dramble, drupal, github, install, Jeff Geerling, kubernetes, nodes, open source, Project, put together, raspberry pi
This video was a quick overview of the Raspberry Pi Dramble cluster build process, part of Episode 8 of my Kubernetes 101 series. Kubernetes 101 Ep 8: Raspberry Pi Dramble: Dramble cluster source...
by Jonathan Updated Jan 22, 2021 Published Jan 22, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
arduino, arm cortex m0+, board, circuitpython, craft, ds18b20, electric, electronics, eta prime, etaprime, guide, hobby, how to, ide, launch, led, leds, low cost, maker, measure, microcontroller, micropython, onewire, os, pico, Pico emulation, probe, programming, Project, python, raspberry pi, raspberry pi pico, retro games raspberry pi pico, review, rp2040, rpi, safety, specifications, specs, temperature, thonny, wires
The all New Raspberry pi Pico is here and in this video we take looks at this new offering from the Raspberry pi Foundation. This I is not like the others, instead of a single-board computer that is capable of running a full-blown operation system like the Raspberry...
by Jonathan Updated Jan 21, 2021 Published Jan 21, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
arduino, board, circuitpython, craft, ds18b20, electric, electronics, guide, hobby, how to, ide, Jeff Geerling, launch, led, leds, maker, measure, microcontroller, micropython, montage, onewire, os, pico, probe, programming, Project, python, raspberry pi, red shirt jeff, review, rp2040, rpi, safety, specifications, specs, temperature, thonny, tutorial, wires
The Raspberry Pi Foundation today introduced a new $4 microcontroller board, the Pico. It uses a brand new custom dual-core Arm M0+ processor, the RP2040. What makes it tick, and how is it to use it? Why buy it instead of another microcontroller, or even a Raspberry...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 16, 2020 Published Nov 16, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
120mm Fan, computer, Coolant, cooling, CPU Load, CPU Test, heat sink, ice tower, Lighting, Liquid Cooling, Michael Klements, overclocked, pi, Project, Pump, Radiator, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, Raspberry Pi Project, Reservoir, temperature, Thermal Test, Water Cooling
I wanted to see if I could use a PC water cooling kit to water cool a Raspberry Pi 4. I’ve seen a couple of people try this on older model Pi’s using reducers and adapters to get to a small cooling block onto the CPU, but I’m going to try and make an...