by Jonathan Updated Nov 10, 2020 Published Nov 10, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
1070, amd, cm4, cm4 gpu, compute, compute module 4, compute module 4 raspberry, io board, module, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, nvidia, pcie, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi cm4, raspberry pi compute, raspberry pi compute module, raspberry pi compute module 4, raspberry pi computer, raspberry pi gpu, raspberry pi pcie slot, raspberry pi projects, tech
Taking a look at the all new Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, I can’t wait to have more time to play with this, and unlock it’s potential ○○○ LINKS ○○○ 3 months free Private Internet Acceess ►...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 13, 2020 Published Oct 30, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
4 port, 5 port, benchmark, bonding, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, firewall, i340, intel, io board, iperf, Jeff Geerling, network, networking, openwrt, pci, pci express, pcie, performance, pfsense, raspberry pi, rj45, router, switch, test, traffic
tl;dw – I can get five 1 Gbps network interfaces using an Intel I340-T4 PCIe NIC, but I can only get a maximum of 3.06 Gbps throughput using all five interfaces at the same time. You could use this setup to build a custom router or switch using OpenWRT or...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 13, 2020 Published Oct 27, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
amd, amdgpu, bar, base address register, build, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, cuda, driver, geforce, gpu, graphics, how to, io board, Jeff Geerling, kernel, module, nouveau, nvidia, open source, pci, pci express, pcie, pi, proprietary, radeon, raspberry pi, recompile
tl;dw – I couldn’t get the video cards to work. But I got very close! And I learned a lot in the process. I’m putting everything here: After I learned the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO Board comes with a PCIe slot, I...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 14, 2020 Published Oct 19, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
1x, cluster, cm3, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, computer, emmc, industrial, io board, Jeff Geerling, m.2, nvm, nvme, pci, pcie, performance, pi 3 b, pi 3+, pi 4, pi cluster, raspberry pi, raspberry pi os, Raspbian, review, sbc, single-board computer, ssd, superspeed, test, usb, usb 3.0, version 4
I put the Compute Module 4 through its paces, and compare it to the Raspberry Pi 4 and Compute Module 3+, highlighting some great new features like a PCI Express 1x slot on the IO board and NVMe support. For even more detail, check out the blog post that goes along...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 16, 2020 Published Jul 16, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
compute module, compute module 4, Jeff Geerling, nvme, pci, pcie, raspberry pi, SATA, ssd, storage, usb
Yes! Well, sort of. Eben Upton said on the first episode of The Pi Cast that the next Raspberry Pi Compute Module could support NVMe storage using a PCIe 1x lane, and talked about some of the things that could be coming in the next Pi Foundation hardware. I’ll...