Tiny Radxa X4 unites Intel x86 with Raspberry Pi GPIO

Tiny Radxa X4 unites Intel x86 with Raspberry Pi GPIO

The Radxa X4 unites an Intel N100 SoC with a Raspberry Pi RP2040. The best of both worlds, right? Let’s explore thermals, power delivery, peripheral and OS support, and even take Linux and Windows for a spin on the PCIe Gen 3×4 NVMe SSD! I purchased all the...
NUMA NUMA make Raspberry Pi go ZOOMA

NUMA NUMA make Raspberry Pi go ZOOMA

Raspberry Pi 5 gets 10-15% speedup with 100 line Linux kernel patch. And what if we could save 50 megawatt-hours of power annually, just with a software patch for older Pis? I’ll walk through the NUMA Emulation patch that supposedly boosts Pi 5 performance, as...
Raspberry Pi demolished by monster 128-core ARM CPU!

Raspberry Pi demolished by monster 128-core ARM CPU!

The collab nobody knew we needed. I took my 6-node Raspberry Pi cluster to @ServeTheHome and faced it off against a 128-core monster ARM server. Huge thanks to Micro Center for making this possible! Shop Micro Center’s Top Deals: https://micro.center/1yz Check...