by Jonathan Updated Nov 19, 2021 Published Nov 19, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
docker, dperson, file server, file sharing, home lab, homelab, hosted, nas, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, pi, pi-hosted, portainer,, raspberr pi file sharing, raspberry pi samba, raspberry pi server, samba, self-hosted, tech
In this video we will be setting up a docker to perform samba file sharing for your raspberry pi. Thanks for the view! ○○○ LINKS ○○○ dperson samba github ► Novaspirit github ►...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 17, 2021 Published Nov 17, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
10 gigabit, 10g, 1g, 2.5G, asmedia, attached, benchmark, cm4, comparison, compute module 4, ethernet, gigabits, gpu, homelab, Jeff Geerling, lambda, linux, mdadm, multi-gig, nas, network, networking, nfs, pci express, pcie, penta, performance, rack, radxa, raid, raid 0, raid 5, raidz1, raspberry pi, review, samba, sas, SATA, sbc, sponsored, storage, switch, taco, zfs
Check out this video’s sponsor, Lambda: Radxa’s Taco, along with a boatload of SSDs, is the new gold standard Raspberry Pi-based NAS. But my 48TB SSD NAS build is probably a dumb idea. Why? Well, watch the video and find out!...
by Jonathan Updated Oct 16, 2021 Published Oct 15, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
app template, app templates, arm, arm64, armhf, debian, docker, docker homer, home lab, home server, homelab, Homer, homer dashboard, linux, linux server, next cloud, nextcloud, nextcloudpi, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, ownyourbits, pi-hosted, portainer, portainer app template, portainer arm,, raspberry pi, Raspberry Pi 4 Server Setup, raspberry pi home server, raspberry pi nextcloud, raspberry pi os, self-hosted, server, shellinabox, tech, ubuntu
Installing NextCloud Pi on raspberry pi on our Pi-Hosted Series using Docker / portainer. ○○○ LINKS ○○○ NextCloudPi ○○○ SHOP ○○○ Novaspirit...
by Jonathan Updated Oct 16, 2021 Published Oct 12, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
app template, app templates, arm, arm64, armhf, debian, docker, docker homer, Docker Monitor, grafana, home lab, home server, homelab, Homer, homer dashboard, linux, linux server, novaspirit, Novaspirit Tech, pi-hosted, portainer, portainer app template, portainer arm,, prometheus, raspberry pi, Raspberry Pi 4 Server Setup, Raspberry Pi Docker Monitoring, raspberry pi home server, raspberry pi os, self-hosted, server, shellinabox, tech, ubuntu
Setting up a Docker Monitoring station using Grafana for the Raspberry Pi, Pi-Hosted Series! Thanks for the view!!! ○○○ LINKS ○○○
by Jonathan Updated Aug 11, 2021 Published Aug 10, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
3d rendering, aggregate, amd, ansible, arm, automation, backplane, blade, ceph, cluster, cm4, compute module, computer, core, cpu, deployment, epyc, fast, filesystem, games, gaming, hard drive, hardware, homelab, internet, Jeff Geerling, k8s, kubernetes, linux, manage, mount, networking, physical, rack, ram, raspberry pi, render farm, rtx 3080, sbc, scalability, server, setup, speed, threadripper, turing pi, uptime, uses, web server, why
Everyone seems to be asking, so I figured I’d answer. I’ll explain what I use my small Pi clusters for, and what some other people use them for. But also, why cluster in the first place? Can’t you just buy an EPYC 64-core CPU and an RTX 3080 and have...