Testing the 4090 on a Raspberry Pi

Testing the 4090 on a Raspberry Pi

Exploring the possibilities in tech sometimes leads us to unforeseen innovations and seemingly pointless but fascinating adventures. This journey is one of perseverance, resilience, and the relentless pursuit to mount a graphics card to a Raspberry Pi. The Obscenely...
WAY faster than a Raspberry Pi—but is it enough?

WAY faster than a Raspberry Pi—but is it enough?

The Rock 5 model B is certainly a beast, as far as ARM SBCs go. Mentioned in this video (some links are affiliate links): – Rock 5 model B: https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock5/5b – Orange Pi 5: https://amzn.to/3kZAv5f – ExplainingComputers’ review of...
Rock 5B: this Raspberry Pi alternative is worth a look! #shorts

Rock 5B: this Raspberry Pi alternative is worth a look! #shorts

Having trouble finding a Raspberry Pi 4 model B? This SBC is way faster, with a ton more features! The footprint is slightly larger, and there are some caveats when it comes to running Linux, but it’s worth a deeper look! I bought mine on AmeriDroid:...
PCIe Graphics Cards on the Raspberry Pi

PCIe Graphics Cards on the Raspberry Pi

After TWO YEARS it finally works! Video output through multiple GPUs on the Raspberry Pi. Well… sorta. Check out what we have working in the video—and what’s yet to be discovered. Special thanks to EVERYONE who’s worked so hard on this over...
Can these boards replace the Raspberry Pi CM4?

Can these boards replace the Raspberry Pi CM4?

There are two new Rockchip RK3566-based Compute Module 4 competitors, the Radxa CM3, and the Pine64 SOQuartz. Should you go buy one of these instead of a Raspberry Pi? Maybe, but not yet. I’ll explain why. Mentioned in this video: – Radxa CM3:...