by Jonathan Updated Apr 27, 2022 Published Apr 27, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
3d, 3dmark, 64 bit, acceleration, amd, amdgpu, arc, arm, arm64, bar, box64, box86, bus, closed source, cm4 bcm2711, compute, compute module, crypto, crysis, cuda, debian, display, displayport, doom, driver, drm, fb, ffmpeg, framebuffer, game, gaming, glmark2, gpu, graphics, h.264, hdmi, intel, Jeff Geerling, kernel, linux, mining, Monitor, nouveau, nvidia, open source, opengl, pci, pci express, pcie, performance, pi os, proprietary, radeon, raspberry pi, rockchip, seaberry, siliconmotion, sm750, source, vga, video, windows, wor
After TWO YEARS it finally works! Video output through multiple GPUs on the Raspberry Pi. Well… sorta. Check out what we have working in the video—and what’s yet to be discovered. Special thanks to EVERYONE who’s worked so hard on this over...
by Jonathan Updated Apr 26, 2022 Published Apr 26, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
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Running Virtual Machines On Raspberry Pi with Proxmox! this guide will show you how to install proxmox 7 ○○○ LINKS ○○○ PiMox Github ► Raspberry pi 4 ►
by Jonathan Updated Mar 12, 2022 Published Feb 9, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
2u, 4g, access, ansible, anywhere, backup, barn, battery, Case, ccna, cg-nat, cluster, cold, configuration, cows, cradlepoint, debian, drupal, ecoflow, enclosure, farm, generator, grid, homelab, hosted, hosting, internet, ip address, Jeff Geerling, k3s, kubernetes, linux, lte, mariadb, moo, network address translation, networking, nginx, nodes, off grid, openwrt, playbook, portable, power, raspberry pi, reverse proxy, road, router, routing, rural, satellite, self-healing, self-hosted, server, skb, Solar, ssh, starlink, tunnel, web, website, windy
#Sponsored Thanks to EcoFlow for their support! Check out their portable battery generators: Hosting my website on a cluster of Raspberry Pis completely disconnected from the power grid and wired Internet turned out...
by Jonathan Updated Feb 3, 2022 Published Feb 3, 2022 Raspberry Pi News
32-bit, 64 bit, benchmarking, binaries, binary, browser, build, chromium, compatibility, debian, disney plus, docker, download, elasticsearch, example, ffmpeg, imager, Jeff Geerling, Leepspvideo, linux, model b, netflix, operating system, original pi, os, performance, pi 4, Pi 400, pi zero 2 w, playback, raspberry pi, Raspbian, server, source, speed, support, test, ubuntu, widevine
Raspberry Pi just announced the 64-bit OS build is officially supported. But why should you run the 64-bit OS instead of the traditional 32-bit OS? Support me on Patreon: Sponsor me on GitHub:
by Jonathan Updated Dec 15, 2021 Published Dec 15, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
100-pin, armbian, bcm2711, better, boot, bootloader, bootup, broken, cm3, cm4, Community, compared, comparison, compatibility, compatible, compute module, debian, emmc, features, first look, flash, hard, hdmi, io board, Jeff Geerling, kernel, linux, mainline, model b, pci, pi 4, pine64, Port, radxa, raspberry pi, replacement, review, rk3566, rockchip, SATA, serial, sopine, soquartz, spi, support, u-boot, uart, ubuntu, usb, works, worse
There are two new Rockchip RK3566-based Compute Module 4 competitors, the Radxa CM3, and the Pine64 SOQuartz. Should you go buy one of these instead of a Raspberry Pi? Maybe, but not yet. I’ll explain why. Mentioned in this video: – Radxa CM3:...