by Jonathan Updated Apr 23, 2021 Published Apr 23, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
750 ti, aarch64, ai, amd, arm, arm64, asrock rack, asus, Bitcoin, crypto, cuda, development, drivers, dvi, ethereum, evga, gpu, graphics card, gt, gtx, hdmi, Jeff Geerling, kernel, linux, m2_vga, miners, mining, ml, nvidia, output, pci, pci express, pcie, power, processing, radeon, raspberry pi, recompile, riser, rtx, rx 550, sapphire, sm750, vga, video card
Last year I tried getting older AMD and Nvidia graphics cards working on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4. I was not successful. Armed with three new video cards—newer-gen AMD and Nvidia cards, plus a teensy-tiny M.2 video card from ASRock Rack—can I...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 3, 2020 Published Oct 27, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
20.10, arm64, linux, novaspirit, raspberry pi 4, rpi4, tech, ubuntu, ubuntu 20.10 desktop, ubuntu 20.10 raspberry pi 4, ubuntu desktop
Checking out the Official Ubuntu 20.10 Desktop on raspberry pi 4 with a bit of a twist and added applications. ○○○ LINKS ○○○ novaspirit git ► Ubuntu 20.10 Rpi4 ►...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 17, 2020 Published Jun 25, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
apple, apple silicon, architecture, arm, arm64, computers, Jeff Geerling, microsoft, processor, raspberry pi, sbc, tech
Apple announced a transition to ARM64 architecture for macOS at #WWDC this year with their new #AppleSilicon chip. What does that mean for the #RaspberryPi and other ARM 64-bit computers like it? Find out in this video! Blog post that accompanies this video:...