by Jonathan Updated Feb 2, 2021 Published Feb 2, 2021 Raspberry Pi News
amd, AMD Ryzen, Clock Speed, cluster, cluster computing, comparison, cpu, HP, i5, intel, Laptop, linux, Mac OSX, MacBook, MacBook Air, Michael Klements, MPI, overclocked, Performance Test, pi 4b, pi cluster, Power Cluster, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4b, raspberry pi cluster, Ryzen, Speed test, ssh, windows
I recently built this water-cooled Raspberry Pi cluster and now it’s time to put it to the test. I ran it against a Windows PC, a MacBook Air and a single Raspberry Pi to see how it compares. On each platform, we searched for all of the primes numbers up to a...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 10, 2020 Published Nov 10, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
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Taking a look at the all new Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, I can’t wait to have more time to play with this, and unlock it’s potential ○○○ LINKS ○○○ 3 months free Private Internet Acceess ►...
by Jonathan Updated Nov 13, 2020 Published Oct 27, 2020 Raspberry Pi News
amd, amdgpu, bar, base address register, build, cm4, compute module, compute module 4, cuda, driver, geforce, gpu, graphics, how to, io board, Jeff Geerling, kernel, module, nouveau, nvidia, open source, pci, pci express, pcie, pi, proprietary, radeon, raspberry pi, recompile
tl;dw – I couldn’t get the video cards to work. But I got very close! And I learned a lot in the process. I’m putting everything here: After I learned the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO Board comes with a PCIe slot, I...